
Main Connecting Starting


AberChat is a user-friendly communications tool which is designed to allow Abermuds to talk to one another in a variety of ways.

achat <msg> - Send message to every mud/player on Aberchat.
amudlist - List all muds using Aberchat.
areply <msg> - Reply to the last person who sent you a message.
atell <plr>@<mud> - Send a message to someone on a mud connected to Aberchat.
aversion <mud> - Report current version of a client and the server.
awho <mud> - See who's logged onto a mud connected to Aberchat.
noaberchat - Turn off Aberchat (type again to turn back on).
noachat - Turn off the Achat channel (type again to turn back on).
noainfo - Turn off Aberchat info (type again to turn back on).
noatell - Turn off the Atell channel (type again to turn back on).

Mud names and player names can be abbreviated, so if you wanted to send a private message to a player, for example :

'atell bobdobbs@coolmud hello' is the same as 'atell bobdobbs@cool hello'.