
Main Connecting Starting

help gossip

gossip <text>
gossip :<text>
gossip ::<text>
gossip #<action> [target]
gossip who> <text>
gossip @who <text>

All crewmen and above, without "nogossip" turned on will hear it.

>gossip Hello!
[gossip] Twiglet exclaims ‘Hello!
>gossip :tests
[gossip] Twiglet tests
>gossip ::head a-splodes!
[gossip] Twiglet's head a-splodes!
>gossip #enod
[gossip] Twiglet nods excitedly.
>gossip gareth> I hear you overinflated Orange's donkey!
[gossip] Twiglet exclaims to GarethI hear you overinflated Orange's donkey!

see also:
commstats, intercom, nogossip, chattime